Don't let SOS-Emerg-Failure-Cancels Compromise Tx

Monday, 14 December 2015 13:33
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Do your SOS & Emergencies Failures seem high (more than 5/day)?  Do your Missed and Cancelled appointments seem high (more than 8/day)?  Are you, or are your patients the cause of this?  Maybe this pearl can help you figure it out.


SOS patients (who show up to their appointment with a problem) and Emergency patients (who have a problem, but no appointment) not only wastes time and resources, it messes up a smooth, productive treatment day.  There is no way to eliminate these occurrences—neither your patients nor your team are perfect—but there is a way to reduce the daily number of SOS and Emergency appointments.  Refer to the attached PDF.


Failure patients (who miss their appointments that treatment day) and Cancellation patients (who change their appointments before that treatment day) creates holes in your treatment day, again wasting time and resources and extending patient treatment time (run-ons).  Again, there is no way to eliminate these occurrences, but there is a way to reduce the daily number of failed and cancelled appointments.  Refer to the attached PDF.

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