The Forces of the Universe

Monday, 11 April 2022 14:48
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Are you aware of the three forces of the universe that control your everyday life?  Are you aware that these forces have numerous variants?  Do you even care?  If so, you might find this pearl both interesting and enlightening.
This pearl and the next one on "What is Gravity" are a lead into the final pearl of this series that has to do with "The Farces of the Universe", which so-called scientists use to negate the forces noted below in order to get grants, notoriety, etc., by pushing those farces.
The many Forces of the Universe:
Real science has established that there are basically three types of forces in the universe: 1) Nuclear force; 2) Electromagnetic force; and, 3) Gravitational force.  The nuclear force holds an atom’s nucleus together, the electromagnetic force holds atoms together and the gravitational force holds masses together.  But these forces have their own variants.
Most people are aware of the strong nuclear force (SNF) between all protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus, but there are actually three nuclear forces at work over a distance of about 10 fm (fm = femtometer = 10-15 meters = a very short distance):
1) The strong attracting nuclear force between protons and neutrons in an atoms nucleus when they are between 1.0 fm and 10 fm apart—it keeps the atom’s nucleus from breaking apart.
2) The strong repelling nuclear force between protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus when they are less than 0.8 fm apart—it keeps them from clumping together.
3) The weak nuclear force, which over a distance of 0.001 fm (10-18 meters), binds the + charge to the neutron, making it a proton—to differentiate between neutral neutrons and positive protons.
Most people are aware of the electromagnetic force between – electrons and + protons, but to be accurate there are four electromagnetic forces at work:
1) The attracting electromagnetic force between + protons and – electrons in an atom or between atoms—which causes protons and electrons to combine into a neutral (no charge) state.
2) The repelling electromagnetic force between two or more + protons in an atom that keeps them apart—but this electromagnetic force is miniscule compared to the repelling strong nuclear force.
3) The repelling electromagnetic force between two or more – electrons—to keep them from clumping together and be free to move in conductors and in space.
4) The static electromagnetic Coulomb forces between + and – ions, between + and + ions, and between – and – ions at rest (not free to move)—atoms that have more protons than electrons are + ions and all electrons are – ions.
There is only an attracting gravitational force (GF) between masses (like between us and the earth or between planets and their stars, etc.).  Many assume that this attracting force holds the universe together, but gravity is an extremely weak force compared to the nuclear and electromagnetic forces, for example:
1) The attractive electromagnetic force is 1036 (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) times stronger than the gravitational force.
2) The attractive strong nuclear force is 103 (1,000 times) times stronger than the electromagnetic force and thus, 1039 (1 with 39 zeros after it) times stronger than the gravitational force.
In order to explain where the GF comes from some "genious" concocted nonexistent “gravitons”.  Unfortunately, this is part of the popular SiFi mentality that invents fictitious entities to explain what they can’t explain scientifically, mostly because they're not scientists.  I have theorized a simple, more probable explanation of what creates the GF, which will be in the next pearl "What is Gravity"
The next pearl in this 4-part series about time and the forces of the universe we will explore, “hat is Gravity”.


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