Dr. Dean C. Bellavia



Monthly Super Support

Dr. Bellavia's Monthly Super Support Program


The most complete Support Program in orthodontics today


We will define realistic Yearly Goal Planning to set all aspects of production growth, collections, etc.

You will receive a comprehensive Monthly Super Report to determine whether you are meeting your goals, and if not why, and what you need to do to attain them.

You will receive a comprehensive Monthly Budget Report to determine whether you are controlling your expenses. In general, just having a budget tends to reduce expenses by 10% to 20%.

You will receive four comprehensive Quarterly Analyses to put each quarter into prospective to make crucial decisions about the direction of your practice.

You will receive ongoing support and analysis for staff hiring to hire the best applicant available.

You will receive personalized ongoing support for staffing and patient problems.

You will receive a yearly "Fee & Financial Arrangements Schedule".

You will receive this Super Support Program at a low monthly fee. 

This program is free for two years when you sign up for a
2-Year Optimization Program!



Contact Dr. Bellavia for YOUR SUPER SUPPORT


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