Dr. Dean C. Bellavia






If you want the IDEAL Team Organization,


you might find the “Team Organization & Hiring Kit” of value.


Are you overstaffed, but seem to be understaffed because your team is poorly organized? If so, knowing what your staffing needs (based on your FS/D) may help. Full Starts/Day (FS/D) = Total Year’s (Full & Ph-II Starts) + (.35 x Ph-I & LIM Starts) divided by Total Tx Days/Year Example:   [(100 + 20) + (.35 x 43)] divided by 180 = 0.75 FS/D If considering staffing changes you might find…

Do you have problems negotiating salaries?  Does your team get upset when new staff make more than they do.  It can all be resolved with one simple approach.   Once you decide you really want that person, the next step is to negotiate her salary and benefits.  Everybody has a minimal salary they won’t go below—but if it’s higher than you are willing to pay—it doesn’t mean that you can’t…

Have you heard of other doctor’s staff members embezzling?  Are you sure that your practice is safe from embezzlers?  This Management Pearl can help you evaluate your practice and put your mind at ease.   This pearl provides a painless vaccine for what seems to be an epidemic: embezzlement of funds in orthodontic practices, even with computerized financial control.  It is difficult to determine the full extent of embezzling, since…

Are certain staff members destroying your team morale?  Does this low morale still exist even when you get rid of them?  If so, your practice is suffering from a dismorale virus that this management pearl can help vaccinate you against it.   A practice is made up of its doctors and staff, who act as a team for the good of the patients and practice.  But, you need to be…

Do you allow “final” applicants to do position work to “see what they can do”?  Do you expose “final” applicants to bloodborne pathogens?  If so, you are opening yourself up to a possible law suit or legal action!  This pearl can help you avoid that.   When getting down to the final one or two applicants in the hiring process it is valuable to have the applicant go to lunch…

Do you know each of your team member's daily responsibilities?  Do each of your team members know what they are responsible for daily?  Does your team manage itself—not requiring you to make their daily decisions for them?  If your answers are all "yes"—great—if not, this pearl may help. Whether you realize it or not, "automatic practice management" is what most practices desire.  It means that a practice can run itself,…

Do you know what makes a team leader?  Do you have leaders on your team?  Do you want team leaders on your team?  Maybe this pearl can help.   A team is “a group of independent people working interdependently for the good of the patients”.  There are three types of team members…not all are team leader material:  Independent team members take responsibility for their successes and do whatever it takes…

Do you have team members that need to be replaced?  Do you find it difficult to replace them?  Do you know how to replace them?  Maybe this pearl can help.     WHY replace a team member: They are disruptive, reducing team morale and possibly running off patients They can’t do all of the procedures in their position and can’t or don’t want to learn They are no longer needed…

Do you have a current Office Policies Manual?  Is it fair to your team?  Does it protect the practice from staff abuse?  Maybe this pearl can help you answer these questions.   It may seem strange, but many practices don’t have an office policies manual at all, much less a current one…not a good idea!  Most office policies are created when something goes wrong and the practice doesn’t want it…

How to Create & Maintain your Dream Team. See attachment.

  Is your practice productive and are your team members busy?  Do you know how to keep them busy when the doctor is not in the office?  Do you have a contingency plan for when you will be out of the office for an extended period of time?  If so, this management pearl may help.   Running a successful practice is not easy, especially when it comes to keeping your…

Are your lab appliances being ordered properly?  Are they all arriving at the chair on time for the patient’s appointment?  If not, maybe this management pearl can help.   Whether you use an in-house or outside laboratory to make your active auxiliary appliances, plastic aligner appliances and retention appliances, you need a laboratory control system to make sure that they are available at the chair when the patient arrives for…

  Do you have situations with guarantors or patients that are difficult to deal with?  Do you have situations with referring dentists that are difficult to deal with?  Do you have situations with staff or associates that are difficult to deal with?  Or do major decisions about your practice seem to take forever?  If so, maybe this pearl can help.   Over the past five decades my clients have asked…

Have you established your Dream Practice yet?  Have you overcome the many perils to establish it?  Maybe this 7-part series will help you establish it.   This 7-part management pearl series will be done in videos. Click on the video below to watch it. I hope that this video series helps you to better complete your Dream Practice Odyssey.     Dream Practice Odyssey Part 1     View more…

Have you established your Dream Team yet?  Have you overcome the many perils of hiring them?  Have you overcome the many perils of training them?  Maybe this 2nd part of the 7-part series can help.       Dream Practice Odyssey Part 2     View more of Your Practice Odyssey Videos   Your Practice Odyssey - Part-1: The Perils of Staffing   Your Practice Odyssey - Part-2: The Perils…