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Are you aware of the three forces of the universe that control your everyday life? Are you aware that these forces have numerous variants? Do you even care? If so, you might find this pearl both interesting and enlightening. This pearl and the next one on "What is Gravity" are a lead into the final pearl of this series that has to do with "The Farces of the Universe",…
Read 2435 times
Do you think that the universe is controlled by gravity? Do you believe that “the big bang”, “black holes”, “worm holes”, “dark matter” and parallel universes exist? Do you think that the sun (or any star) is a solid mass of thermonuclear fission? If so, you might find this pearl both interesting and enlightening—or maybe you will have a diametrical opinion. The Farces of the universe, a…
Read 1905 times
Do you know that the mass of the universe is mostly from the atom’s neutrons and protons? Do you know where gravity comes from? If interested you might find this pearl enlightening. Since almost all of the masses that gravity attracts consist of the masses of protons and neutrons in atoms, it seems probable that the Gravitational Force (GF) is an extension of the Strong Nuclear Force (SNF)…
Read 1263 times
Does time seem to fly by, move slowly or move just right—or all of these variations? Actually, time doesn’t change, but our perception of it does and that can affect our lives—maybe this pearl can give some insight as to why. It seems that when we are young time moves very slowly and we can’t wait to be older. As we become seniors, time moves very quickly and…
Read 2108 times
Does the thought of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) frighten you? Do you ever wonder what the essence, the driving force of A.I. development is? Well, maybe we can figure it out and put your mind at ease—somewhat. When discussing A.I., most people dwell on what A.I. might be used for and rarely address the essence of A.I. The only purpose of this pearl is to convince you that A.I.…
Read 3436 times
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