Dr. Dean C. Bellavia



A-D-D-I-C-T SELF-Optimization Management Pearls

A-D-D-I-C-T SELF-Optimization Management Pearls


If you want to Inexpensively Self-Optimize your practice,


you might find the "A-D-D-I-C-T Straightforward Guide CD"


                     or the “Self-Optimization Reference Library” of value.

Is your present schedule what you really want?  Are you having difficulty creating a better schedule?  Is your staff finding it difficult to help?  If so, this management pearl may help.   Creating a smooth, productive schedule is not easy; it takes hard work and much organization.  You can use the “Scheduling Design & Tx Quality Control Management Kit” to "design" an efficient and effective schedule although, you can also…

Ever wonder what level your practice production is at?  Ever wonder if your practice is doing its best, no matter what your level?  Ever wonder if you could do something about it?  Maybe this pearl can help.   The production level of your practice is measured in two ways: yearly $ Production per doctor (it’s easier to have a larger yearly $ production with multiple doctors) and Full Starts per…

Do you have the best organizational structure for your team and practice personality?  Does your team have a high morale and do they work cohesively?  Do you have effective Team Leaders?  If you want to successfully put it ALL together, this pearl can help.   Lets face it, making system changes in your practice isn’t typically met with great staff zeal.  But if your team is a part of the…

  Are all of your current team members fully trained in their positions?  Are your new team members fully trained in just a few weeks?  If not, maybe this pearl can help.   Lets face it, making system changes in your practice isn’t typically met with great staff zeal.  But if your team is a part of the entire process, your success is more probable.   Sooo...Analyze the attachments below…

  Are your team members the best available to employ in their positions?  Are they naturally inclined to do well in their positions?  Do they share a “team attitude” and do they last?  If not, maybe this pearl can help.   Lets face it, making system changes in your practice isn’t typically met with great staff zeal.  But if your team is a part of the entire process, your success…

Is your New Patient Exam all that it could be?  Are your new patients singing your praises and sending you referrals?  Are your exam conversion rates as high as they should be?  If not, this pearl may help.   Lets face it, making system changes in your practice isn’t typically met with great staff zeal.  But if your team is a part of the entire process, your success is more…

Have you ever hired a consultant?  If so, were you satisfied with the outcome?  Was the outcome worth your time and expense?  If not, maybe this pearl can help you to better select your next consultant.   What is a consultant?  He/she is an expert—knowledgeable and highly experienced—in the systems you want, but find difficult to create and implement on your own.  Lets face it, any consultant can help a…

Do you have any 2017 new year's resolutions for your practice?  Are they realistic enough to be attained?  Do you have a practical way of attaining them?  Maybe this pearl can help.     If you’re the type that gets inspired at the start of a new year, bursting with hope and energy that it will be better than the previous year, then this pearl is for you.  There isn’t…

  Did you make realistic goals for your practice for 2023.  Do you have a way of attaining your realistic 2023 practice goals.  If not, maybe this pearl can help you set and attain those goals. To set realistic goals for 2023 refer to the following pearl:  http://www.thebioengineeringco.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=173&Itemid=766   If you’re the type that gets inspired at the start of a new year, bursting with hope and energy that it…

Do you have any 2024 new year's resolutions for your practice?  Are they realistic enough to be attained?  Do you have a practical way to attain them?  Maybe this pearl can help. Refer to the attachment for more information.    

  Do you have any 2025 new year's resolutions for your practice?  Are they realistic enough to be attained?  Do you have a practical way to attain them?  Maybe this pearl can help.   If you’re the type that gets inspired at the start of a new year, bursting with hope and energy that it will be better than the previous year, then this pearl is for you.  There isn’t…

Latest Management Pearl

  • Mindfulness, Part-7, Your Knowledge, Intelligence & Wisdom
    Do you know the difference between your knowledge, your intelligence and your wisdom?  Would you be interested in how your brain employs them?  Do you realize that you ARE your memories and the way you process them?  If interested, you might find this pearl enlightening.   We are our MEMORIES and how they are Processed:   A memory is defined as: “the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences”—they…