Dr. Dean C. Bellavia



Practice PERSONALITY Pearls

Practice PERSONALITY Pearls


If you consider Human Personality important for your practice,


you might find “Personality Finesse...how we nurture our nature and the pearls below of value.

Are you and your family having difficulties talking about problems?  Are you at odds with some or all of your practice teammates?  Do you want your team to feel like more of a team instead of just a group of individuals?  If so, this pearl may help.   Family members and coworkers have a habit of doing things that annoy us—as we do them.  Some of it is just “genetic…

Are your strong emotions getting in the way of what you are trying to accomplish?  Do you have emotional outbursts that you wish you hadn’t?  Would you like to get control of these emotions?  Maybe this pearl can help.   Our strongest style and its symbiotic emotion pretty much controls our reactions to whatever comes our way.  It’s not easy to go against these genetics, especially when involved in a…

  Is your practice overly task-oriented, lacking warmth?  Is your practice overly people-oriented making it difficult to get tasks done?  Do certain team members seem to have the wrong personality for their positions?  If so, this management pearl may be of value to you.   Personality dictates how we all emotionally and rationally react and has a significant effect on the overall success of your practice.  Rational genetic personality is…

  Does your TC establish rapport and provide a great exam that new patients like.  But, does she seem to have difficulty "closing the sale" (i.e., she has too many Will-Call-Back patients)?  If so, it may be you and/or the TC's personality dilemma that is reducing your starts.  This pearl can help you clear that up.   The first thing that may need cleaning up is the doctor’s comments to…

  Is your receptionist a strong relator who establishes rapport (trust) with all patients?  Is your receptionist a weak director who finds it difficult to follow your schedule?  Typically, this is a package deal, but this pearl can help you to reconcile this dilemma.   It is not easy to create a great schedule that is smooth and productive, but it can be done.   It is not easy finding…

  Does your get-it-done, angry director style help or hinder your practice and personal life?  Do your team members have the optimal director style strength for their positions?  Do you want a happier more fulfilling practice and life?  If so, maybe this pearl series can help.   Synopsis of Human Personality: Human personality is composed of four basic emotions (anger, fear, joy and sorrow) and four rational styles (director, analyzer,…

  Does your relationship-maintaining relator style help or hinder your practice and personal life?  Do your team members have the optimal relator style strength for their positions?  Do you want a more fulfilling practice and life?  If so, maybe this pearl series can help.   Human personality; a synopsis: Refer to the management pearl “How Personality Helps or Hinders: Part-1, Director Style” for a fuller understanding of human personality. Human…

  Does your perfectionist fearful analyzer style help or hinder your practice?  Do your team members have the optimal analyzer style strength for their positions?  Do you want a happier more fulfilling practice and life?  If so, maybe this pearl series can help.   Human personality; a synopsis: Refer to the management pearl “How Personality Helps or Hinders: Part-1, Director Style” for a fuller understanding of human personality. Human personality…

  Does your socially interactive joyful socializer style help or hinder your practice?  Do your team members have the optimal socializer style strength for their positions?  Do you want a happier more fulfilling practice and life?  If so, maybe this pearl can help.   Human personality; a synopsis: Refer to the management pearl “How Personality Helps or Hinders: Part-1, Director Style” for a fuller understanding of human personality. Human personality…

Do certain team members seem to naturally conflict with others?  Do you seem to naturally conflict with certain team members?  Does this conflict increase on hectic treatment days?  Does this conflict increase when team members are doing poorly in their positions?  If so, maybe this pearl can help reduce that conflict.   Human personality; a synopsis: Refer to the management pearl “How Personality Helps or Hinders: Part-1, Director Style” for…

  Do you want a complete understanding of YOUR "Genetic Human Personality" and how it affects your personal and professional life?   If so, download the attached PDF file "Genetic Human Personality".     Are you sure that you know what your genetic personality actually is? Do you have a good, adequate or poor self-image?   If not, download the PDF "Your Personality Self-Analysis" and take the personality test.  

  Do you believe that good and bad are opposite?  Do you believe that people can be evil (ugly)?  Would you classify yourself as either good or bad or ugly?  Well, maybe this pearl can help you sort that out and in the process help you out.   No, this pearl is not about a 1966 spaghetti western; it’s about how our genetic nature and our learned nurture—our personality—control how…

Do you make quick decisions or put off making decisions?  Do you prioritize the factors involved and use the most effective method to decide how to resolve your problems or attain your goals?  If interested in making better decisions check this out.   Every decision we make is based on our rational and emotional memories that pertain to that situation.  Unfortunately too high a percentage of our decisions are based…

  Is your spouse/mate or anybody close to you a strong (angry) “get it done” director?  Are you mindful of the motivations behind their reactions?  Does it create discord when you misunderstand his or her true intentions?  If so, maybe this pearl can help you to better understand why strong directors react the way they do so that you can live a less stressful coexistence with them.   Part-2 of…

  Do you find it intolerable to listen to opinions that are contrary to yours?  Do you seek information that only fortifies your own opinions and shuns anything contrary?  Is this limiting your ability to become a wiser, more fulfilled person?  If so, you might consider appreciating the contrary opinions of others.   Listening to and accepting as somewhat valid the contrary opinions of others isn’t easy to do, especially…